Thursday, 24 June 2010

Mahut and Isner odds on for an advertising deal

With Nicolas Mahut and John Isner locked at 59 games all in the final set at Wimbledon, it seems more likely that an advertising deal will arrive before a conclusion to the Court 18 match.
Inevitably, bookmaker Bodog is already offering odds on Isner, Mahut or both being used in a commercial by end of 2010. They are:
Fitness Centre Chain 7/2
The Rabbit (better than any man, however long he may last) 5/1
Red Bull 6/1
Hummer 8/1
Andrex (soft, strong & very long) 10/1
Viagra 12/1
Duracell 16/1
Long Life/UHT Milk brand 25/1
BP (it never stops) 100/1
(ok, that's enough - Ed.).

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