Tuesday 17 November 2009

Kafka on trial

Goldman Sachs's London spinmeister, Paul Kafka, is gamely persevering with his ambitious project designed to make his banking overlords appear more humane.
Vice chairman "Fat Mike" Sherwood - who likes to wear a personalised tracksuit while playing ping pong - used The Times's opinion pages last month to preach to ungrateful readers how Goldman's clients selflessly grow "the savings of millions of people".
Then chief exec Lloyd Blankfein joined the crusade, telling the Sunday Times how he and his disciples are merely performing "God's work".
And, today, the Holy Trinity was completed with chief economist, Jim O'Neill, popping in to give the economic sermon in the Evening Standard.
For some reason, Jim got slightly distracted and waffled on a touch about a trip to China with the missus, but was soon back on message to namecheck his ultimate master.
He argued the credit crisis was "an act of God" for China, before signing off with a quick "thank God for the English language".
After all that, any sane soul would now recognise it's time for Kafka to revert to type and impose a vow of silence. But, like much of his namesake Franz's work, City wags fear his shameless publicity project remains unfinished.

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